The scientific programme will give an exhaustive overview of last TEM developments. The sujects of the lectures are provisionnal and most of the lecturers are confirmed:
Wave and particle optics - Dr. A. Masseboeuf (France)
Contrast of defects - Pr. P. Midgley (UK)
Electron sources, round and multipolar lenses - Dr. F. Houdellier (France)
Electron detectors - Dr. A. Béché (Belgium)
Digital imaging - Dr. M. Bryan (US)
Ptychography - Pr. P.Nellist (UK)
Quantitative image analysis - Pr. Dr. S. Van Aert (Belgium)
Phase contrast imaging - Pr. Dr. K. Muller (Germany)
Electron diffraction - Pr. D Jacob (France)
Quantitative crystallography - Pr. L. Palatinus (Czechia)
Phase shaping - Pr. J. Verbeeck (Belgium)
Electron holography - Dr. M. Hÿtch (France)
Nano-optics: ultrafast electron microscopy - Pr. Dr. H. Lourenço-Martins (France)
Liquid and gas phase TEM for nanochemistry - Dr. D. Alloyeau (France)
In situ biasing in a TEM - Pr. Dr. S. Conroy (UK)
EELS and cathodoluminescence - Pr. Dr. S. Collins (UK)
Chemical mapping: EDX and EELS - Pr. Dr. D.M. Kepaptsoglou (UK)
Electron tomography - Pr. Dr. S. Bals (Belgium)
Dose limited measurements in electron microscopes - Pr. T. Juffmann (Austria)
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